# Dashboard and Topbar

The Dashboard is the working area of Whoobe Studio.

When you click on a Main Menu item it will create a new Tab in the top bar and will load the relative component in the dashboard.

# Topbar

The topbar is populated automatically by selecting an option from the Main Menu.

Next to the Menu icon you will always have a green icon indicating the Whoobe Server in use.

By default Whoobe Studio connect to the local Whoobe CMS. Clicking on the icon you can change the Whoobe Server to connect to. If you set a remote URL the icon will change to cloud

# Multitabs

Whoobe supports multitabs, thus means that you can load multiple options and activate them in the dashboard clicking on the relative tab.

If you are working on 2 or more different blocks you can also Copy&Paste blocks between different editors.

When you close a tab (click on the X) will automatically unload the relative option from the dashboard. If the tab you are closing is relative to the block editor you will be asked to save the relative block in use.